Family Fun

Thursday, June 19, 2008

yada yada yada

Well...Thursday. Again, not much.

Nana wanted me to bring Peyton over there today to swim with some other little kids that were coming over. I felt like I hadn't seen Peyton all week, so I kept her home today. Peyton has been kind of clingy too, so I think she has been missing me. Plus, I have to work all day tomorrow and have an open house on Sat. so, I wanted to spend some time...just she and I. Nana is awesome though. She has been very helpful with Peyton. She is always ready, willing and able to help. I would be in big trouble if it weren't for her. So.....Nana...THANK YOU!

Peyton and I went and ate lunch with my Bosses Pizza buddy...Bridget. She is the only one that will go eat there with me anymore. I love that place. Some aren't as fond of it. I don't get to see her much anymore, so it's nice to go to lunch with her every so often and catch up on what's going on.

Then off to the dry cleaners, a clothes store because I had a coupon and desperately need nice shirts. I got a $40 shirt for $16. It was 25% off, and then my coupon. Building my wardrobe a little at a time. Still need pj's. They had some decent ones but wanted $30 for a nightshirt. I thought that was a little out of line.

Have a gift card to Hobby Lobby....(love that store) that my client who's house I sold last month sent me as a thank you. I thought that was nice. Anyway...I saw a picture there I wanted to buy last week that was 50% off, but it was no longer on sale. ;((( Sooo... I will wait until they go on sale again. They are always putting that stuff on sale so i know if I buy it when it's not, it will be next week. So I will be patient.

We went to Sonic for happy hour drinks. Half price! Gotta love that. She was complaining she was thirsty and wanted a diet coke. I let her have one as a treat. I don't let her drink it often, but it's a treat when she gets too.

Home again and attempted a nap. NOT. She got up to go to the bathroom and told me she was going and I said ok. I noticed she was in there for a while and went in there to find half an empty toilet paper roll that had at least a half a roll of toilet paper on it. She tried flushing it all and it got clogged up. I couldn't get it unclogged. Another job for Steve.

Fine. Peyton isn't going to take a nap. Well, then I told her to go clean her room. That was at like 4:30. Her room got clean at like 9:30. It takes a miracle to get that girl to clean her room. uggghh....

Steve had a meeting, lunch and happy hour thing at the Worthington Hotel here in Fort Worth today. He didn't get home until 7:30, but said it was very good and productive. So he walks in the door...I had dinner made ready to eat. Then said, "Welcome Home honey. Dinner is ready for you, the toilet is clogged and there is a dog poop stain that I attempted to clean in the dining room for ya." LOL He started to turn and walk out of the door again. hehe Heck, I already had to clean up the backyard from this mornings storm, clean up the poop in the dining room (Steve is a pro at the I leave that part for him), clean Peyton up after playing in the toilet that she had just peed in...after she stuffed the other toilet with toilet paper. I think I am now going to have to watch her at every potty break. It's been a messy day. ha

I am really just frustrated.....I have a couple that liked a house I showed them last week...the day we looked the sellers accepted an offer. Then I found a foreclosure in the same neighborhood they want to be their price to tell them about it, we decided to go take look tonight...I pull it up, it's got a contract pending. Other buyers I am working with are calling me back or rejecting every listing I send them, or they have a death in the family, or their wife is sick in the hospital....the excuses go on and on!!! Then Julie, our team leader, sent me and the other agents in our team saying she didn't see any closings scheduled for next week and she is just making sure she isn't missing anything. LOL I wrote back.... and said, "as much as I would love to say you are mistaken..I have 4 closings...I don't, but I sure am trying." I'm not sure what else to say. I think they she and Nicole are trying something new with the leads where Nicole (the listing agent and Julie's helper) is going to work them until they are ready to, send listings, call...and see if they are serious buyers. Either that, or they are seeing if it's the buyers agents fault we aren't converting leads or the buyers that are calling in that are just not serious buyers. I don't know. But I know it's not just me that is having trouble. The other buyer's agents are too...and most all of the agents at our office. I think people are looking to see if there are, in fact, deals out ther to be had, and decide to wait. I don't know. Ya'll tell me. It really is a good time to buy. There are good deals out there. Interest rates are decent. People are desperate. People have to lower their home prices to get them sold because there is a lot of competition...a lot of houses on the market. Although, I know houses are selling because when I take clients to look at them, before we even get out the door another offer gets signed. ha

Whatever.....anyway. Peyton and I had a good day together. And tomorrow she goes to Ashleigh's to play. She likes that. She misses Ash. She hasn't seen her all week. I have to slave away at the AC co. tomorrow. (not really...but I do have to be there.)

Happy Friday to you!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Ally - I love you too - love having that little one with me. But I know that she needs to be with Mommy.

Had 4 little ones over here yesterday rangingin age from six to 2 1/2. They really had a good time and were dissapointed that they didn't get to see Peyton - I told them that maybe next time. Boy, I had forgot how much energy three little six year old boys have - hats off to those Moms. Ally, Monica said to say "Hi". Hopes to see you soon.

Gotta go - got bills to take care - have a good Friday..

Love Ya and Peyton - Nana

Anonymous said...

God bless Nana! Peyton just needed a little more "Charmin", LOL! The real estate market is creazy! We heard on the Today show that homes dropping their prices were really making it wild. Everyone trying to catch a deal! Can't blame them! Steve coming home is too funny! Love, Auntie S