Family Fun

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mission Accomplished

Goal for this Sunday..stay at home and chill. And thus we did. We all stayed in our pj's all day. I did manage a shower this evening, but I changed right back into pj's. Same for Peyton. It was nice. I took like a 2 hours nap! LOVELY! Peyton on the other nap. I was really kinda ready for her to go to bed tonight. She was a pretty good girl today. I think she enjoyed staying at home playing and hanging out with us today. I even asked her..."do you like just hanging out with Mommy and Daddy at home?" She said, "yes, I do. It's fun.". ha. Fun??? I don't know about that. I think she got a little bored. But she played and used her imagination. Watched Cinderella, etc.

She got dressed up like Cinderella today. All 3 of us were spinning and dancing in the living room (to no music) and peyton was leading, by the way. She said while we were doing that, "This is my BEST day". That made me smile. The simplest things make little kids happy. Just having our attention and doing what she loves made it her "best day". I let her go out and swing on her swingset in her pj's, and that was just the best thing ever for her. I never let her do much as she asks. So she thought that was just the greatest.

Made chicken tender wraps for dinner. NOTE TO SELF: buy bigger tortillas for those. ha We were only able to get one tender in the reg. size tortillas. Peyton loved them. I found some really pretty good honey mustard. Ken's brand. Pretty tasty.

We watched a lot of Jon & Kate Plus 8 today. Wedding Crashers. And guess what Steve was doing when I woke up from my nap. On my laptop playing chess and watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory AGAIN! Oh, but it was the old version, don't ya know. uggh. LOL

Steve finished his last test for his World Lit. class today!!!!! YIPPIE!!! I think I am as happy about it as he is! AND he is taking the next 8 week session off! YEAH! He is just so relieved to have that class over with. It really was a whoopin'. If anybody tells you that online college is easier...they are lying to you. In some ways it's harder.

So I will be doing another contract signing tomorrow!!! YIPPIE! So I have 2 going right now which is huge for me. I still haven't gotten the counter-offer for the first one yet. The other realtor called and said the lady wanted to keep it overnight and have a net sheet done. She was to meet with her today at 4pm, but I haven't heard anything. I will check in the morning to see if it has come over the fax. I sent it Fri. night for crying out loud. I think over 48 hours is a little ridiculous for a response. Come on ALREADY! This is my clients first home purchase, so I know they are anxious. I have called them a couple of times to keep them informed of just the little info. I have gotten. So they were appreciative.

Steve is asking what I am writing about him. So....Steve is so wonderful. He is a great father and husband. He takes great care of us. He is a trooper and puts up with me all the time. He is just such a special person. ;) LOL!!!! I read the whole thing to him and he giggled. hehe

He just beat my highest score on "bubbles" (a game on my phone) so he is really busy gloating right now. takes a long time to beat a high score. I haven't played it in a while and may just let him feel special and have the lead. hehe

Tomorrow....hummm...Nothing going as of yet. I am sure I am going to meet up with my 2nd contract people to sign..and then really I don't know what else. Steve and I are on a strict budget, so shopping is out of the question. (bummer)

Where are my commenters!! thank you, Jessica for the comment. Auntie S!!!! Where are ya. I am starting to worry about you. I know your granddaughters were in are probably hanging out with them instead of reading our goofy blogs. ha

Ya'll have a great and prosperous week. I am hoping for the same!


Anonymous said...

I am commenting, way to go on your second contract! I am only working on client right now and have a listing that I got an offer on this weekend. The real estate market needs to pick up! Is Steve going to college for his Job at Bell? It susan Galindo since I am an anonymous poster.

Andi said...

Where in the heck are the pictures of Steve twirling around in the living room like Cinderella?!?! Now that would be priceless!

Anonymous said...

Great news on the contracts! Go Girl! Loved the Peyton "best day" tale!
Love, Auntie S