Family Fun

Monday, June 23, 2008

She did it!!!!

Potty trained...check. Swimming without floaties...check. Getting her ears peirced..check!!!! President of the United States...well..we are still working on that one. ha

She did it people! She has been talking about it for 2 months. She chickened out the first time. Has been dead set against it since she saw Ashleigh do it. She has obsessed about it for the past 4-5 weeks. She just decided last night that she wanted to do it. I told her to sleep on it and let me know in the morning if she still wanted to do it...first thing she said this morning. "I want earings. It will only hurt for a minute, right." So Steve wanted to go too, we had to wait until he got home. So all day, "Mommy, can we go to the earing store now?" She was ready..and ready NOW!

She did great! We were so concerned about if she would decide not to do it, that we forgot to take pictures while she was getting it done. But we got that picture above right afterwards. She loves them. They are little pink stones in the shape of a flower with a white stone in the middle. She wanted blue, but those only came in stainless steel. I wanted her to have sterling silver or gold. So good job...Peyton! You did GREAT!

So no blogs over the weekend! Sorry! I was going to yesterday but my email was down all day yesterday. Wasn't a lot to tell anyway. I did two open houses over the weekend. One Sat. and one Sunday. Did some work. Yesterday was pretty much a dud because Steve had a paper to write and it took him ALL day. It had to be 450 words. He had 150 words done early in the morning. In the time I cooked us breakfast, took a shower, got ready, went to the office, did my open house, took all the signs down and got home...he had done 100 words!!!!!!! Do you see my frustrations on the slowness factors!!! It's with everything! ugghh. He a perfectonist with his school work. Which is good. And he has straight A's in college. Just wish he could write papers faster. ha Otherwise, we cleaned house. We fired our cleaning ladies in an effort to save money. But, man...what a whoopin'. I was pooped. And I didn't even do the wood floors yet. I hate cleaning. I need to sell some houses so I can hire them back! is hot!!! Today I took Peyton over to Rae Carol's so that all the girls could slide on the giant waterslide that we bought last year. They enjoyed it. It's pretty much the only time you can be outside is if you are playing in some sort of water. Summers in Texas suck!

Tomorrow I have a meeting in the AM then am, so far, free in the afternoon. I do have some showings scheduled Wed. that's a good thing. I have showed these people before. I think they are not in a hurry, and are having a hard time making some decisions. I showed them 2 houses that were totally up their alley, and they didn't want to commit to one. So I will show them several more on Wed. We'll see what happens. I need something to happen, and soon!

I called an old friend of mine, Steve Wingate today. He had sent me some pictures of his new baby, Presley. She is so adorable. She and Addy are like 13 days apart. It was nice to talk to him. Hopefully we can get together for dinner one night soon. Stevie..if you read this...let me know what is good for you.

Otherwise...nothing much else. Here are a couple more pics of Peyton from this evening. Night.

Gotta kiss that penny and make a wish!

Good throw!

I thought this was cute. Daddy and daughter
leaving the mall. Peyton clinging on to her loot.


Andi said...

Way to go PeyPey, all of us at the Linder House are sooo proud of you!! Great jog, being so brave! We Love You! And I totally love that last picture!

Rae Carol said...

Yey Peyton!! Your such a brave girl. I can't wait to see your earrings. Good job!!