Family Fun

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Come on already!

Why won't this thing download the video I have been trying to get on this blog for 3 days now. It's making me mad! Any of you bloggers know how to tell these blog folk that their video downloads aren't working??? Complain, would ya. ha Urrgg.

I think we may be eating subs by weeks end! I am hoping. Andi...get on it. A taste of Atlantic City. A must have and very soon.

Today Peyton went to her Nana's house to swim. She apparently had fun, and wore herself out. Steve said she fell asleep in the truck on the way home, and then again later in the car when we came home from Sam's (yes again). But I couldn't get her to go to sleep. I had her in bed by 9:20, and she knocked on her door, which scared the crap out of me, at 9:45 saying the hat on her doll fell off. She obsesses about having the hat on this baby doll. I knew it was going to be an issue when I let her sleep with the baby. So I had to explain to her that it's not safe for the baby to sleep with the hat on. She didn't like that. So I gave her the choice of the baby sleeping with me or sleeping with her with no hat. She chose for me to take her to bed with me. She started crying again. I asked her if she was feeling ok, and she said no. I asked where it hurt and she pointed to her head. which I kind of had a feeling earlier that her head hurt just by how she was acting. I gave her Motrin and put her back to bed. Then she cried when I shut her door. She turned on the light, I went in and turned it off. She turned it off again after I left and I went and turned it off. She cried and cried. Its now 10:40 at this point. I went and got her and let her come sit with me on my chair and lay down. I asked her why she thought her head hurt. She said from the big jump in the pool. I asked her if she hit her head on something, and she said no. I said just from hitting the water too hard and she said yes. She may have just gotten over zealous on jumping and did it too much and it gave her a headache. I tried to get her to let me put drops in her ear to get the water out, and she FREAKED out! Wasn't gonna happen. I even pretended to do it to my ears and that didn't work. So she sat with me for a little bit, and told her it was time for bed and no lights on because lights hurt our eyes if we have it on while we sleep. 2 hours later she is asleep. shewww.

Really not much going on today. Things have been slow. I have been trying to make things happen, but not working too well. Work em and see how it turns out. All I can do.

EWWWWW...I am watching a Braum's commercial and they now have something called a frank burger. Basically 2 split in half hot dogs with chilie and cheese on them served on a bun. Or get them with mustard, katsup, onion and pickle.....YUCK-O-Rama! Desperate for something new I guess.

Ok....maybe life will be more entertaining tomorrow. We shall see. Night

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bloggers Unite! I see all this is WAY beyond me! Now, the AC subs is a different story! I love them too & will have to wait till August! Bummer! Folks may be on vacation now & work will pick up soon. Then you'll be TOO BUSY! Never a happy medium, is there? Peyton is so funny! Her doll rules are so mature! You were a sweet Mommy to help her thru it! What is a Braum's & I agree on the ucky comment; sounds gross!
Hope blog behaves soon. Love, Auntie S