Family Fun

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

A nice Memorial Day. A nice weekend, really. Yesterday we just hung out at home until it was time to take Peyton to Steve's folks house. She spent the night there. Steve and I went to our friends' house to swim, bbq and play poker. Today, picked up Peyton and went over to my Dad's house for more swimming and bbq. Just the Harris family and York family and Ashleigh, of the Linder family. Andrea has a sick baby today. She spent her day trying to get into CareNow on Memorial Day. And yes, it was an all day event. Addyson has been stuffy and runny for the last few days, but had a bit of a fever today. Doc didn't find anything wrong. Weird. We'll see how she does. Maybe it's her teeth. But again, the Doc said he didn't feel anything coming in soon.

By the end of the summer, I have had my fill of the bbq. I am enjoying it right now though. ha

Came home and hung out at home to get ready for tomorrow. I didn't do much work this weekend. I mean, very little. Don't guess many were worried about looking for a house this weekend. which is fine. I enjoyed the break.

Peyton is such a fish. She LOVES the water. She has no fear. Which is good and bad. She swims quite well for 3 years old. She did much better today. Not as much gagging on the water. Jumping in a lot, and swimming all over the place. Ashliegh is still a little behind on the swimming. She was sidelined for most of the summer last year because of her burst eardrum. She is very sensative when it comes to her ears. She has had such issues with them. The tubes she had in and then the busted eardrum and the constant ear dr. visits. She just protects them, and doesn't like the water to get to them. But I got her to get out there swimming a little today. She is still in love the the steps in the pool because that's where she feels safe. She is a certain must for swimming lessons this year. Peyton too. Still haven't looked into that. Goodness. Must do that this week.

We all got some much needed color on our skin this weekend. ha I didn't burn. Peyton didn't burn. Steve burnt. ha He always does. As long as I do a little bit at a time on the tan, I don't get really that red. Peyton gets lathered in sunblock, so she doesn't get red.

This is Peyton's last week of school. I need to get a nice teacher gift for Ms. Carol. Probaby the last year she is going to do the preschool gig. She is pretty over it. Can't say I blame her, but she is so good at it. Any ideas on a creative, nice teacher gift??? Anybody? Give me a comment for ideas. Peyton has a end of the year program Tues. evening. It's always a cute little program. Last year, she threw up all over the floor on our way out with about 100 people waiting in the isle to get around the nasty puke on the floor as we scurry to pick it up. Let's hope that doesn't happen again.

Then Thurs. she has her last day with a "splash party". They have a bunch of baby pools set up, and toys and bubbles, and sprinklers to run through and they can play on the playground while eating popsicles. I would like to go as I did last year and the year before. I have my first closing on Thurs. I hope it doesn't happen during the time of her splash day. We shall see. I'm excited too about my first closing. Finally, a few bucks in my pocket. Much needed. It will help pay for the monster cell phone bill. Blah....would rather go shopping. ha

Here are a couple of videos from today too of my awesome little swimmer and jumper. Go Peyton! Ya'll have a good Tues.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pics at top are GREAT as are the videos! Good Job! Who is the "meany" who jumped in next to Steve as he caught Peyton? SO GLAD you are doing settlement! Its just the beginning! Poor Addyson; maybe an ear ache starting? And Ashleigh will get there w/time. Can she wear water ear plugs? No mention of nap trobles; Peyton must be too tired to mess! She is a water bug! Glad you're doing swim lessons! How about a nice journal for teacher & put a note of thanks in front cover? Blog how settlement goes & I'm thinking good thoughts; ENJOY! Love, Auntie S