Family Fun

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

End of Year Program

Well, end of year program has come and gone this evening. All the kids were so darling. Hope you enjoy the video. You will notice that Peyton is a good full heads length taller than the other kids. The girl is tall. The cute little twins standing by Peyton are named Abigale and Olivia. They are sooo cute. Identical. One has shorter hair, but I still can't tell them apart. Peyton can. ha They are very good friends. Peyton talks about them all the time, and I understand Abigale and Olivia talk about her a lot too.

Thanks, Andi, Ashleigh and Addy for coming to see Peyton in her program. RC. Yeah...thanks a lot for not showing up. Nah, I kid. Sydney had her Brownie party tonight with her troop. So fine, RC chose to go there instead. Dad didn't show. um-hum. Mom, I didn't ask because she is having surgery tomorrow and I knew she wouldn't be able to. Steve's folks were due to go, but Nana is sick today. Hope she gets to feeling better.

As I mentioned, Mom is having surgery tomorrow. It is to lift and repair her bladder. I'm not sure what all the problems have been, but nonetheless, enough discomfort and damage to it to have surgery. She will be in the hospital for 1-3 days. With her luck, it will be 3 days. I talked to her tonight. She's not a happy camper. She is hungry and they made her drink that stuff that keeps you in the bathroom all day. She's a little cranky, as you can imagine. ha Say a prayer for Mom, would ya.

On the real estate front....closing, I guess, Is still set for Thurs. on my listing. I didn't hear anything today, but I will call tomorrow to check on it I guess. I feel like I am bugging the escrow officer by calling all the time. haha Had a sales meeting today. I was 5 minutes late. But ya know what...tough. I can't have Peyton at school at 9 and be at the office by 9am too. Impossible. My broker kinda made me feel bad about it, but oh well. Can only do what I can do. I am just going to make a standing rule...anything that they want to start at 9am during the school year, I will be 5 minutes late. Mom's house...the other realtor hasn't been able to talk to her clients. Mom is offering another $2k in closing costs. Let's hope they say, "oh, yeah..what a deal, let's do it". ha I have a few buyers that I am working with. A couple I am having a tough time finding the right place for them. What they want is not available at this point. Another I showed last week hasn't called me back or answered my email. It's frustrating. I show...they seem interested, and then I can't get them back on the phone. I am starting to wonder if they just decide they don't like me or what. It's a dance. Love em enough to keep them coming back for more, but don't over do it, or they are gonna run. I may need to do more of the love, but I don't over do it. I am not a good sales person. I don't like to keep bothering people. But, I am working on ways to just keep touching base without seeming pushy.'s not like a pair of shoes. It's a house. If they are going to buy it, they are gonna buy it. If they change their mind, not like you can say, "'s only $200k. You can handle it. "ha But whatever. I'm workin' it and that's all I can do. Oh, by the know anybody wanting to buy or sell a house. Send them my way, would ya. haha No...really...I'm serious. ;)

Steve is in the middle of a very involved class of World Lit. Oy... ALOT of reading. ALOT of writing...ALOT of tests. Ridiculous. I don't plan on seeing him much for the next 4 weeks or so.

Auntie S....I don't think Ash would do ear plugs. Peyton is hit or miss on the naps. She did take one today without much argument. She had a busy weekend, so I think she is tired. But if no nap, she has to go in there and lay down for a while. And then, sometimes she will fall asleep, and others she will lay in bed and "read" a book. Either way..she's resting in some form or fashion. Good idea on the teacher gift. Thanks!

I'm dissapointed in my fellow bloggers. updates in many days. What up with dat! I am on Nyquil tonight. Sore throat and a little snotty. So, I'll be sacked out within the hour. Night my peeps!


Anonymous said...

WOW, so many issues! The video made me tear up, so sad I COULDN'T GO! The others are blessed you are generious enough to share the video! Russ was tall like that too! TALL IS GOOD! You see shit coming before it hits the fan & you have time to duck! I wish I knew TALL was good cause I spent my youth slumping to be like my peers & am paying now with poor posture!
Jill is in my thoughts/prayers & I am so proud of her continued fight!
Go ahead & bug about closing; been there w/2 Jewish gals, (our Realtor partners) who NEVER worried about bugging! Our gals who sold the Margate place were tenasious(SPL?), & were so good at selling! They always told me comments so we could redo "whatever" & they sold by showing other homes that cost less & let the buyers "discover" the value difference! LISTENING is the skill to learn in sales! A call back to say "I'm thinking of you & still trying to find..." is so loved! When we came here our Realtor showed us WHATEVER we wanted, weither he listed it or not! So many ONLY want to show theirs! BAD! Some is better than none when commission rules! The price ticket is TOO BIG to make a sale that doesn't fit so you are correct! All you can do is keep hunting homes that MIGHT fit, OFTEN! And, maybe let them know that you can try to get a price adjustment for buyer to redo what they don't like which our Gals did often! Some we agreed to some adjustments & others not till we finally agreed! NOT AN EASY TASK! Its your BUSINESS so I love your 5 minute rule just like the 5 second rule on dropped stuff! Your game, you RULE!...Just don't tell!
Maybe Ashleigh can be sold on plugs if you call them Pricess, pre earrings? And let her put them in her ears & YOURS TOO? Such a shame for her to miss fun, but I see how she is scared!
As for Peyton's naps, I remember Russ read the Encyclopedia cause I couldn't keep up w/his hunger for books at sleep time! Try a supply of books for her to pick from one at a time, as a nap TREAT? I'm thinking about this alot, & I really think she has a busy mind!!! Feed it?
Finally, I blogged to Andi that maybe it was a sore throat cause Addy wasn't eat or drink & now you have a sore throat....?
Love, Auntie S

JESSICA said...

So very precious! I love kids at the 2-4 age. Everything they say & do is just funny. Yes, they are bratty, too - but their funny comments and things they do outweigh a lot of the brattiness! She's a doll! Love the clip!