Family Fun

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I missed blogging last night. I was too tired. Sorry.

Are the June bugs bad at your houses? Man...they drive me crazy. Stupid bugs. My cat really enjoys when one gets in the house so he can chase the stupid bug around. It's funny to watch.

So yesterday....what the heck did I do yesterday....oh yes....I ended up having to take Peyton to Nana's house. One of my Realtor teammates forgot she was on floorduty and had an appointment in the afternoon, so I had to go cover her floor duty. Then while on Floor duty. I got 2 calls right in a row for a lease we have near downtown. I had to do back to back showings there. While I was waiting for my second appt. to show up, another guy drove up and was actually on the phone with our office, who told him I was there for 2 appts. So I showed him. ha We get a lot of calls on it. There are 4 units and they once one leases seems there is another. I cannot even count how many times I have to drive out there to show that darn thing. Not much money though. But it's better than nothing I suppose. Then had to go to the office in the evening to work on our "float" decorations for the Lake Country parade on the 4th of July. We really aren't going to have a float, but are decorating Steve's truck, Phil's truck and another girls Merceedes convertable. Handing out candy, flags, etc. Should be fun. It's in the morning, so hopefully it won't be too hot.

Today Peyton back to Nana's house. I worked at AAdvanced then to the grocery store. We made sandwiches for dinner. That's the end of our exciting day. ho-hum. But the guilt as a mother. Yes...I had to buy her a dress for July 4th while at Wal Mart. ha When I had to leave to do some showings a couple of times she cried and cried and asked me not to go. I told her that Mommy and Daddy have to work so we can buy her pretty dresses, bows and shoes. So I purposly got her a dress so she believes that as the truth. Which it is. That girl is in love with her dresses, shoes and hair bows. ha

I don't guess I have anything I have to do tomorrow. Probably hang out with Peyton and clean house a bit. Maybe let Peyton go play with Ash a little bit.

I feel bad for RC because she didn't get the PE job at her school where she is the PE aide. You would think it would be the natural choice for the PE aide that is familiar with the school and the PE program there to move up to open PE job. Ridiculous. RC...everything happens for a reason. Something else will come along at a better school, with a better principle.

I've got such a kink in my neck! OUCH! Ok...More tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on about RC! Loved the Peyton dress = clean room tale! Funny about the showings! Love, Auntie S