Family Fun

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I hate when I don't have comments! Auntie S...we miss you in blog world! I get a lot of people telling me how they love the blog, and are open and honest about reaading. I think, though...I have some stealth readers too. That don't want to admit that they not only read it but enjoy it. LOL I get a good 30-50 hits a day. I know there are more than the 10 I know of!!!

Today was fine. Nothing mega interesting. Worked a bit this morning with phone calls, emails and scheduling. Went to Bosses with RC, Syd and Ash. Had to meet a client at the office. Went to dinner with Steve's folks. Came home and cleaned a bit. Now hubby and daughter are off to bed. ahhh...peace. I'm irritable today, so I think really they both ran to bed to get away from me. ha It took Peyton ALL day to get her room cleaned. Time outs...threatened to take her dress I bought her back to the store. That worked, finally. I told her that I was going to work a little while and I am taking the dress with me. I am going to call daddy and ask him if you cleaned, and if you haven't then I am driving to the store to take it back. She cleaned. ha

Tomorrow...4th of July parade and Dad's 4th of July party. I think by tomorrow night I am going to be red, white and blue pooped out....and over it. ha I have to be up bright and early to go up and decorate our trucks, cars, motorcycles and mopeds. Parade starts at 10 am. Should all be fun though.

Hope you all have a Wonderful 4th of July!!!!


Andi said...

ALLY...irritable...nah, it couldn't be. Ha! See you at the parade tomorrow!

JESSICA said...

Can ya handle waking up early? :)
You KNOW I read your blog - it's an obsession...and I like it too!
I am in your boat on the comment thing. I vented to Andi about this yesterday. On Wednesday before going to bed, I wrote down that I had 1,197 hits. This morning, I had 1,291. That's 94 hits in less than 2 days, and only a whole 3 comments (2 in my new blog and 1 in an older blog).
I don't get it!

Anonymous said...

I so love the blogs of you three sisters & now I love Jessica's comments too! I am addicted to you all! Its part of my bedtime wind down! OK, Big Brother starts soon! YES! As for the blog counter, I sometimes check at lunch or while I cook dinner so maybe others check for your new ones , waiting eagerly for the next tale. This could be one reason for so many blog hits? Love, Auntie S