Family Fun

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


What a DAY! Had floor duty ALL day. I was looking forward to a nice, quiet day. Even hung at the office so I could focus on what I needed to get done. Oh no...quite the opposit. I had to go show a lease. Well...3 houses. And the best part of it all...these people waited until today to find a lease home to move into on WEDNESDAY! That is the day after tomorrow. Come on people. Do you think we can snap our fingers and poof! You got a house!! And on top of it, they have bad credit. So to get them approved, even for a lease, is going to be a major challenge. Well, got the application and checks to the other Realtor and we'll see how it goes. Then I have a closing tomorrow. Had a little issue. My people thought that once they sign the papers they could move in!! I was a bit surprised by that. Well, we aren't closing until 3pm and it will most likely not fund until Wed. morning. Thus, they can't move in until then. Plus, they knew the lady selling was having movers there on Tues. to move her out..were they wanting to move in while they were moving out or what???? Weird. I guess I just assumed they knew they weren't going to be able to move in on Tues. You know what they say about makes an ass out of you and me. So, I had to smooth that mess over, because I guess they have to be out by Wednesday. So I don't want any glitches, so I have been checking and double checking everything. Payday! looking forward to that.

Tomorrow will be a little better. I have to do a showing at 1pm, work on getting my lease people approved so they can move in Wed. and have a closing at 3pm. Hopefully all will go smoothly. Fingers crossed for all 3 things. Wed. I have to work at AAdvanced. Thurs. floor duty from 9-1 and Friday work at AAdvanced again. Busy week

I am feeling SOOO guilty about leaving Peyton so much. We usually at least have one day during the week that we hang out together all day. It's not happening this week, and then not to mention she was at Nana and Papa's most of the weekend. She will be with Nana again some tomorrow and probably Thurs., and my Dad is taking the girls on Wed., and then Andi's on Friday. So all week she will be away from home. I feel terrible. Next week should be better. We will have to go do something fun next week.'s already 12:30am. I must go to bed. More tomorrow. Night.


Andi said...

You really should go to bed earlier with suc a busy week, doofus! Poor PeyPey, she's going to forget what her Mommy looks like. Good luck on the lease and the closing!

Anonymous said...

Don't feel too bad cause some Mommies must work every day so you have it better & Peyton is with her FAMILY!!! Good Luck! Love, Auntie S