Family Fun

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Oh dear God!

So I go to download a couple of pictures last night to put on the blog...the computer FREAKS out! Error messages, shut downs, restarts...etc. WTF! This is a brand new computer that I am talking about. A new Dell laptop! not by a Dell computer. I have had nothing but problems with this thing. The first one they sent me in April when I bought it, didn't work from Day 1. You would think when I called to tell them, I would get, "oh ma'am...we're so sorry, let us send you a new computer right away. " No, it was all a headache in itself that I will not rehash. So after a technition, and a new computer finally sent to me..I now am back to square one 3 months later. So frustrating. I live on that laptop. Everything is on there. I immediately ordered an external hard drive to constantly back up my laptop. It won't be here for a couple of days, but it is looking like my data and pics will be saved. My laptop needs another new mother board (which is what was wrong with the first one), and new memory card. I pray that I dont lose anything. They say it will be all saved fine, but if it doesn't work, then I have to do a recovery disk and then I will lose everything. I luckily have my Palm Treo phone that has all my contacts on it, but will lose my pics and emails. Which are the most important. Uggh...we'll see what happens when the technition comes out in a couple of days. Now I am having to use the desktop computer that is slow as molasses. But, works. And funny thing is it is a Dell too. It is starting to act up as well, and will probably have to be replaced soon. But's been 6 years not 3 months.

So anyway. Today we just hung around and got some things done. We hired Brittany to come over and help out with the flower beds that were overgrown badly. It looks so much better. Thanks Brit. That wore Steve out. Peyton wore us both out today. That girl has endless energy. She was outside with Brittany and Steve, and she came in and wiped off her forehead, and said, "there is water on my forehead." LOL It was sweat. That made me laugh. She is obviously hot, her little cheeks are rosy, she has water on her I told her to let me put her hair up to get it off of her neck and she would be cooler. She HATES having her hair put up in a ponytail. Why? I don't get it. Who the heck likes all that hot hair on your neck when it's 100 degrees outside. Kid is weird. ha

I spend most of my day dealing with the computer people. Like 3 1/2 hours. Not even lying. Ridiculous. I have said it before and I will say it again. I want to turn on a computer and it work every time. I want to be able to print, copy, scan and fax, send emails and surf the web without knowing how it works...I just want it to work. I need to find me a computer geek that I can befriend to make sure that can happen. Steve is ok at making this stuff work, but I still am unable to scan and when the computer is acting up, or the network is not working right, he gets more pissed off than helpful. So I am going to find a computer geek and wine and dine him and make him my computer biatch. hehe

Yesterday...I did a couple of showings. We had a lunchner (late lunch, thus is dinner and lunch) at Corner Bakery in Downtown since I had a showing there. Then the poker gang came over to our house and played poker. I baked a lemon cake that I had a new recipe for. It was tasty. Just need to make a few changes to make it even better. So really, it's been a pretty relaxed weekend. I could have done without the computer issues though.

Ok..I will blog again soon. Ya'll have a great week.


Anonymous said...

Ally - miss your blogs so much when you don't do them. Hey, about your computer - call Christina - she can tell you or Steve how to fix things for you over the phone - she is great - just let me know if you want her phone # - believe me she can go into your computer from her motherboard and help you - don't know what I would do without her. She's not the I.T. for her company for nothing.

Missed my little girl this weekend - I am soooo lost without her.

Well, gotta go - Blondie is driving me crazy to go outside.

Love Ya! Nana

Anonymous said...

YOU CRACK ME UP! LOL, LOL! Let me know how the "computer geek bitch" works out! Love, Auntie S