Family Fun

Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy B-day Auntie Rae

Happy B-day Auntie Rae. Well, really it's on Sunday, but we celebrated it tonight. Peyton was in the Birthday mood and wanted to sing Happy b-day again.

So we went to Fudruckers for dinner. A great hamburger joint. So it was good. Everybody always gives gift cards. RC said she wanted a new dish set. So I decided instead of a gift card I would go and pick some out. I thought I picked out some real pretty ones. And I think RC thought they were nice, but she wanted "funky". Well the "funky" ones were $90. So that is like my 3rd attempt to get away from the gift card rutt. I am not even going to do gift cards anymore. Cash for everyone, and that's it! LOL Try to put some thought into it, and it never works out. Not even cash..I am going to write a check, that way you have to take out your time to go to the bank and cash it. hehe jk

Not much in the way of plans for the weekend. Which is fine. This week was kind of hectic. Glad it's over. I think that's it for me tonight folks. Night.

1 comment:

Rae Carol said...

Oh Pey Pey, that was sooo sweet!!!You made Auntie Rae very happy!!! Thank you sweetie!!! And Ally, I love the plates, I just wanted to be a bit more funky in my old age. I want to emabarass the kids and grandkids when they visit. hehe. I will get some cute funky ones. I do appreciate you taking time in picking out a gift. that was really sweet!!!