Family Fun

Monday, August 11, 2008

Some pics...finally

Big smiles!

She says this is her baby smile face?? ha

The cute little cheerleading outfit w/pom poms.
Notice the belly pooch. ha

Some pics from today. She LOVES that cheerleader outfit. She comes running in naked..."Mommy, where is my cheerleader outfit". I have to really work at it to get that skort on her. She needed to go to the bathroom and couldn't get them on and off herself. It's pretty tight. But she doesn't care. So as long as I can keep getting that on her, I will do it for her. ha

So, I really am trying to take as much of the week off as I can. I have a meeting in the morning. But after that I was going to come home and spend the rest with Peyton and Steve. Then Julie asked me to go and show some of Nicole's (my team member) folks some houses because she is out of town, she has a closing and Phil is unavailable. And I guess these people can't wait 24 hours for her to get home. I don't know what the deal is. But nonetheless, I am showing 5 houses tomorrow at 10:30. Which means I am probably going to have to skip out on my meeting early. Then Wed. I have a team meeting, and will attend that. But after that we are immediately leaving to go to Fossil Rim for the day. Then Thurs. I don't know yet, but we will think of something.

HAPPY 5TH BIRTHDAY, ASHLEIGH! I can't believe she is 5 already! Time flies. Kinda sucks though.

Not much else. I tried to download a video with no luck. I will try again tomorrow.

1 comment:

JESSICA said...

What a doll. She looks SO precious in that outfit. :)
Enjoy your time off!