Family Fun

Monday, August 25, 2008

Good job to all the kiddos

I am proud of all the kiddos who started their first day of school today! Ashleigh, Sydney, Brittany and Jaydon. All did great, from what I understand. The Mom's of the new kindergarden students...well...did great too. With a few tears mixed in. So exciting.

Peyton starts her 3 year old pre k on Tues. of next week. She is excited to go. I am excited for her to go and get back in the mix with her friends.

So..really not much today. Haven't started working on my video yet, as I mentioned in yesterdays blog. I have to work on my continuing education classes that have to be completed by the end of Oct. which is going to take me every bit that long to finish. Uggh. Doing them online and it's a lot of reading again. But, more convenient. Writing up a lease...YES...another one. But it's something. Peyton is happily in bed, and I am heading that direction.

I had to take the trash out all by myself tonight! I don't do trash. Well...I didn't do trash. That's Steve's job. But no Steve...Ally does trash. Not so bad. We have those big ol' city of fort worth trash cans that I have to manuever up and down our not easy.

Other than that...worked all day. Went to Mom and Jim's for dinner after I picked up Peyton, got gas and hung out w/ peyton while working on the computer.

More tomorrow. Night


Andi said...

You sound so lonely! Good job with the trash!! I knew you had it in ya' to be "Trash Girl".

JESSICA said...

Ahhhh...poor, poor Mrs. York had to take the trash out. Boo-hoo! hehehe
I can't wait to hear all about Peyton's first day next week.

Anonymous said...

You crack me up w/the trash! Now you can sing that "I love trash" song by the Sesame Strret folks, from your heart! Love, Auntie S