Family Fun

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Well..I shouldn't really be saying TGIF...because it doesn't really make a difference. I am going t have probably a busier weekend than I had during the week.

Really not much to say since I rambled on the last entry.
Happy Birthday, Brian Linder!

Showed homes tonight. A very nice young couple buying their first home. We found 2 that they liked tonight. Now they just need to decide and make an offer! Maybe I'll have a 3rd closing for November! That would be exciting for me! ha And MUCH needed!

I had Lorana the cleaning lady come today! LOVE HER! It was soooo nice to come home to a nice, freshly cleaned, smelling good house! God how I have missed that. I really hate a dirty house, but I don't have time to clean it like they do. I got a steal too. I almost feel guilty of how little she charged me. I will have her back...hopefully next month.

Peyton has been a bear lately! Back talking, being defiant, sassy and just overall not very nice to me or her father. But then she goes to Nana's and is a perfect angel!!!! I don't understand that! I whooped her butt today, and she has been in time out several times today. I have to nip this attitude in the bud, and NOW. I will not have a disrespectful, hateful, back talking little girl. I refuse! I sometimes am a little too much of a pushover, and I think I need to be more consistant with what I will and what I won't accept from her. That is my constant battle. I am way more of a pushover than I thought I would be as a mother. I just love her and want her to be happy. Spoiled...yes. For sure! Probably because she is our only child...I don't know. I am a work in progress too, as a mom. We'll get it figured out.

I just don't have any new pictures for you. RC...ya think you could get those Fair pics to me. Geez.
Ya'll have a good weekend. I will try to blog again over the weekend if I don't fall over first!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good attitude Mommy! Love your blog, so love the chatty feel of it! love, Auntie S