Family Fun

Thursday, October 9, 2008

nuttin' much

I haven't blogged because there hasn't been much to blog about. It has been a slow week workwise and Peyton-wise. Peyton didn't have soccer practice Monday due to rain. She did have it tonight, but we decided to attend the stone soup dinner at her school. they did a little program, so we didn't want her to miss out on it. We literaly decided that at 2pm today. We didn't know there was a program...we thought it was just dinner. But I found that out when picking her up today. Sooo...who could deny a cute little song and dance from all the kids. I have pics, and will upload them tomorrow or something. Too tired tonight. Peyton didn't have cheerleading this week either. Actually, she is done with that for a while. Jessica is getting quite pregnant, and was looking uncomfortable doing it last time we did cheerleading, so we will hold off until she pops that baby out.

Peyton has 2 soccer games again this week! oy vey! She hasn't practiced all week, so it should be interesting.

I have been able to spend some more time with Peyton this week, which has been nice. Really only having to have a babysitter while I work at that's good.

Tomorrow we were thinking of going to the football game, but have been invited for dinner at Steve's mom's house also. Im not sure which we are going to do yet. I am trying to attend as many football games as possible, as this is Brittany's last year to do this. And Peyton enjoys it so much. It's a lot of fun for us to go. I think we all enjoy the games, and watching the band.

I will be working this weekend. Showings Sat. afternoon, and then an open house on Sunday. A lakefront home if any of you are interested in coming by.

Otherwise, that's all I got folks. Hope you are having a good week!!

1 comment:

JESSICA said...

Gosh, can ya add a little "life" to your life? How boring! JUST KIDDING! Boring can be relaxing sometimes.
Have a great weekend!