Family Fun

Monday, October 20, 2008

A good weekend

Howdy Folks! So I have kinda withered on my entries. Been a bit hectic around here. So let's start at the top. Isn't that video too funny. I love watching it over and over.

So last week we went to the state fair of texas. First time for Steve and I in years....probably at least 5 years. Went with the Harris' and really enjoyed ourselves. The kids all had a great time, and I am so glad we took them. We missed Ashleigh though. Didn't seem right without her there. Sometimes I have to remember that she is not my daughter and she has to do things with her own family..ha. Good time had by all. I would download pics, but well...I forgot my camera and RC wasnt able to email them. uggh. I may never see them.

Not a whole lot of work going on last week. Kind of slow last week. I did, however, managed to get layed off from the AC co . Yes...My own brother-in-law fired me! Can you believe that crap. It's just wrong. Ok...maybe not fired, but layed off for sure. Winter is among us and it gets very slow to save money I had to go. geezzzzz...whatever! I was getting really bored there at the end. Not a lot to do.

This weekend I was really going to try to take off. Been a while since I had a whole weekend off. But I didn' think it was going to happen. Somehow it worked out..and when I say it worked out..I mean it worked OUT! Not even and email! I was shocked. Like everybody knew...leave me alone. I got like one email from Brittany and one from Totally weird. But so nice. Nothing to worry over. I wish for more like that, but that means that I ain't makin' no moo-la.

Peyton had her soccer game on Sat. Oy vey! Nana, Papa, RC, and Sydney came to watch. They didn't get much of a show. Peyton hardly even wanted to get off of the sidelines when she was called into play. I shouldn't say hardly...she wouldn't get up. I had to threaten to take her uniform away and give it back to coach. K so she went it, but she just stood there. Literally, the ball rolled right by her and she watched it the whole time just roll by her. It was like she was saying, "oh..there's the ball." So frustrating...but I have to remember she is just 3. still....oyvey!

Saturday was busy. Soccer game, lunch with Nana and Papa, came home and worked on Peyton's room. Steve helped in the playroom, then I come out of Peyton's room wondering where everybody is, and steve fell asleep on our bed! LOL Can't say I blame him, he did get up at 4 am to get to work by 6am so he could come to Peyton's soccer game. So Peyton and I got ready and went and watched Brittany's band competition. Then went to Bed, Bath and Beyond to buy another comforter set for the spare/playroom. Then our usual fun Saturday night fun....drum rolll!!!!! WAL MART to grocery shop! I know...don't be jealous. Fun times. hehe
I was soooo pooped! I crashed when we got home. Then Sunday...kind of a lazy day. Just hung out and watched the pathetic Cowboy game and Steve watched the Steeler game. Finally got dressed and went to the pumpkin patch up the street and got Peyton a little pumpkin. Got hay bails for my fall display in the flower bed, and dropped one off to RC and Kev for our Halloween spookfest at their house for Halloween.

Like my new fall background by the way. Fall is my favorite season. The long, hot summer is over, and we are enjoying the cooler temps. Plus, I love pumpkins, fall flowers and sweatshirts. Cozy stuff to me.

This week is promising to be a busy one. Today I found out that a HUD offer I did got approved for my client. So that should close within 45 days. My listing across the street from me has an executed contract. That should close the 14th assuming the inspection goes well tomorrow. Hopefully Nov. will be a good month. So I had to have the people sign the contract tonight, running to the title co. for the other listing, Personal errands, the office....etc. Pretty much ran all day. Tomorrow should be kind of easy. Peyton has school and I am on floor duty till 1pm. I am going to hang out at home and clean up. I am having the new cleaning lady come and clean on Thurs!!!! I am SOO happy! So I have to get everything put away before she comes. which should take some time. you should see my office. OMG! And tomorrow is our 13th anniversary also! 13 years of wedded bliss. hehehe We have been together for 16 1/2 years. Thank God that husband of mine puts up with me like he always has. And likewise. He isn't an angel ya know. hehe

Wednesday...lookin' like I am going to have to go to Grapevine and show some homes. Thurs. evening I have more showings. Friday night I am going to try to go to Britti's game. Last one that I am going to be able to go to. Saturday I and Susan Galindo are hosting a purse party. It's like fake name brands like Dooney, Chanel, Coach..etc. Sunglasses and jewelery also. Hey...I get at least a free purse out of it, so what the heck. ha Sunday...I have an open house. So as you can see, it will be a busy week. By the end of the week, i think I will be glad I got layed off from the other job. That would have been real fun to fit in with all the rest. eekk.

Anyway...bored you enough. Man...I kind of rambled. Sorry. Hope you enjoy the new slide show and background. Andi had to help me because I am a dork and couldn't figure it out.hehehe Thanks Andi!

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