Family Fun

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Addy!

As you can see from the pics...It was Addyson's first birthday yesterday. Who can believe it's been a year already. Unbelievable. She is soooo adorable. A happy baby indeed. Well...until the crowds and the noise start. She does not enjoy being in a crowd or having too much noise. She enjoys her quiet house with all the normal stuff.
People...was it just me or was this week not the biggest ass whoppin'! OMG! I guess it was becuase it was the first day for everybody to head it back to work, or something. Although, I didn't get time off, so that wasn't the reason for me. Too much drama and problems creeping into my week. I have a VERY demanding, rude, total disregard for my time, idiotic client going right now. Unbelievable! I won't bore you. But please! I will be enjoying a good alcholic drink once I get these people closed.

Speaking of closings...Got one on Thurs. of this week. Woo-hoo. Payday for momma. Money is already spent, but's money I wouldn't have had. Then the other more challenging clients should close Jan. 30 assuming all goes well with them. We shall see. I can't imagine this one going smoothly at ALL! 2 closings a month...the goal for the year. Got my 2 for Jan. (hopefully), now I just need to get Feb. going. Maybe my lakefront folks?? I don't know. Maybe? I pray!!! Found one they love and we are more into the process than we have been in the past with getting his loan and such, but we shall see. I would LOVE to get that one closed. Then we just may be irresponsible and go on a Hawaii trip with the Harris'. Never been. Would love to go!

Ok...Here is a picture for ya. Peyton without her glasses. But what's weird about it is the red eye from the camera too. Looks weird. I don't like to take pictures without her glasses on because she is sensitive about her eyes crossing. Although, lately not as much. We go back to the eye dr. this month, so we shall see if she is on schedule. Basically she is to stay in glasses until she is a teenager. She told me the other day while swinging on her swingset. "mommy, I do not have my glasses on. I am not Peyton without my glasses." So true. She has gotten so used to them, i don't think she could imagine things without them. In the mornings she runs in her room and puts her glasses on by herself. Just habit? I am not sure.
Peyton Spent the night at Nana and Papa's house last night. She enjoyed herself as usual. She woke up at 5:30am again! Not sure what is up with that. Maybe just not sleeping in her own bed...or something. She is so tired. She fell asleep on the way home from picking her up. I tried to get her to take a nap but she wouldn't. She just layed there. uggh. Then her and her daddy went to watch the Steeler game with the other loser Steeler fans at the Wild Wing place where all of them gather. I had to work today, so Steve had to take her. Although, even if I didn't...Steve still has to take her. He made her into a Steeler fan, so if he wants her in his "club", then he gets to take her to the games and Steeler social events. He may be regretting that decision a little bit. hehehe Maybe I will get her back on my team. We shall see.
Alright...Gotta put sleepy head to be. Night folks...have a good week.


Andi said...

Oh, PeyPey is so beautiful with or without her glasses on, but I'm so glad she has gotten used to them and you don't have to fight her about it. Yup, my Baby just likes her peace and quiet, but hopefully she will start going with the flow more. We just got back form her 1-year checkup with 3 shots, poor baby. Good luck with the closings!

Anonymous said...

Your pics were the best! Powerful news on closings, good luck! Love Peyton's glasses attitude & she's made them her friend! Yes!
Love, Auntie S