Family Fun

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Goodness...I have really slacked. eek. Sorry. Honestly...I just haven't had much to say. There is a lot going on, but at the same time, there is nothing going on....if that makes any sense. I am not busy at work....Peyton is just being her usual silly self...Steve...same ol' same ol'. So like I said...not much of anything.

Details..ok. Peyton of course, first and foremost. She is just growing like a weed. I can't find pants to fit her. That is my main issue these days. ha If they fit her around the waste they are too long...Then there are some that are do fit around the waste, but keep falling down her butt and showing her buttcrack. She is constantly pulling up her pants. It is irritating. She really is just built weird. Honest...she is built just like Steve. Like really...just like him. Short wasted, no hips AT ALL, and all her weight is in her gut. Honest, I don't think she is fat. She is a little chubby, I think..well for sure, a little chubby. But that is not the reason pants won't fit. I think it's because they sit on her so low because of her waste, and thus are so long because of it. It's weird. Maybe I am just now noticing it because she wore dresses all summer...I don't know.

Yesterday....she told me on the way to school, "Mommy, I will miss you guys", and I said "when". She said, "while you guys are at work". I said, "Do you mean while you are at school?" She started crying! She said, "Yes. I will miss you guys while you are at work." I told her, as I always do, "Remember whenever Mommy drops you off somewhere I will always come and get you." She just cried. Broke my heart. She was fine by the time she got to school, guess what we did today. I stayed home with her. The girl knows my buttons. Guilt is one of them. ha What's funny is, this is a girl that begs to not leave Nana's house when I or Steve come to get her. She's done it at Andi's too. So I don't know. Unpredictable girl. ha

Work. Not a lot is going on. My team moved back into our old office. They had their own space within the Lake Country offices. So we moved back in because our Broker, in reaction to some conessions he made for our team, asked us to work from there more because it makes the office looks happenin' and busy, and that there are actually Realtors there. ha There are only a handful of us still. Then 2 of the ones that were pretty active had to get full time they are never there either. So I have been working from the office most days. Works out well for us all to be there. We can feed off of each other more, and I learn by watching and observing and just paying attention to what others are doing. So that should help. Right now, though. It is soooo slow. Uggh. I complain about being so busy, and then complain about being bored. Why can't there be a happy medium. I do have a great lead on a $450k house! That one I am very hopeful about. Hopefully she will make a decision by the end of the week. But it's a short sale, so those are always time consuming.

Steve...well he came home not feeling well today. stuffy head, sneezing, achy. ikes. I hate when he is sick. When he told me on the phone that he was coming home early because he wasn't feeling well...I think I sounded put out. I just hate when he is sick. He is a miserable sick person. Not that I am any better, but I have to listen to the snorting, hacking and loogies. So anoying. I am not that bad. I just sleep and don't get out of bed until I am better. ha Otherwise...he is frustrated at his job. A lot of drama type stuff. He hates drama, and people that complain about working. Might be why he is sick...stressed out.

Otherwise. It is a busy month with "hey, come to this recital and that recital, and this party and that party, and don't forget that birthday party and open gifts with these friends and that family and oh yeah, christmas concerts...and on and on and on!" I am tellin' ya. Our family knows how to keep us busy. Uggh......Oh, and lets not forget the $110 adventure RC decided we all needed to do for Syd's and Dad's bday. Oy...Midevel times. Yes...I have wanted to go for a while...but never have because I didn't want to spend that kind of money on dinner. IN PARTICULAR right before Christmas when money is at its tightest. But...we are going, so I will find a way to pay for it. RC...we can do McDonalds too ya know. haha JK (RC will get bent out of shape on that comment....oh well..she's pretty good at calling out people on her blog too. hahahahaha again...kidding..sorta)

While I'm at it, why don't I call out........oh nevermind...I don't need more trouble. LOL Really...just kidding that time.

Got the company christmas party tomorrow afternoon, and have to get up early.

Life is is movin' way too fast..."roll on..roll on rollercoaster. We're One day older..and one day closer." Kid Rock song...have it stuck in my head.

Night folks


Andi said...

You sure were slacking on the ol' blog...almost 2 weeks! Yup, the next couple of weeks are going to be a booger with the schedule! Then Dad has to throw in an extra party...NICE! We may get to rest next year!

Anonymous said...

How about everyone be grateful for what they have. Open up your eyes to the ones in your area that have nothing. Christmas parties, concerts, recitals, oh, that is so terrible. Sorry you have to live through such a terrible time in your life. We will pray for you to have some time to yourselves.
Merry Christmas from the A team.

Anonymous said...

yeah A TEAM well said.