Family Fun

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

nuttin' much

This picture was taken several weeks ago at a merry go round at the mall where we were waiting for her glasses to be made. I couldn't understand why she wouldn't get on a horse on the merry go round. She talks about getting on a horse and riding it all the time. So's her chance! NOT! She wouldn't get on the horse. But she figured out how to spin that little car thing.

That is the only picture I have. I have sucked at taking pictures lately. This one was just one I happened to download off of my phone. I need to work on that.

Peyton has a birthday party to go to on Sat. It is her friends, Abigale and Olivia from her school. Yes, they are twins and they are identicle. I can't tell them apart. Only reason I know who it is standing in Peyton's room at school is because Olivia is the twin in her class. Abigale is in another class. They are having a dress up party. OMG! Peyton is going to LOVE it! The twins mother is the director at Peyton's school. She said that the mothers must participate as well. Oh dear. What... have Peyton paint my nails or what. ha Sounds like it will be a nice party. Reminds me..I have to go get gifts for them. Oh man...I have to buy 2 gifts. Shit! I just thought of that. ha

We have figured out a winner on how to get Peyton to do what she is supposed to do. Did I tell you about how she wouldn't clean her room??? Ok..well, after 3 days of not cleaning her room, I finally flipped out and cleaned it out and put it all in the garage. A week later, we told her that if she would pick up the "left over" toys off of her floor and pull out the ones that have hidden under the bed and put them all in a pile for us to go through, that we would give her the toys back. First try, we caught her just laying on her floor. Then we go in and nothing is done. Then like 2 items are in the pile. We told her...Ok. She is to shut the door to her playroom and she is not allowed back in. No playground, no nothing. So later that day we asked her if she wanted to try again. She said yes. So we let her give it another shot. Well, she actually started to make some progress. I went in and praised her and was so excited that she was doing it. She got so excited that I was praising her. OMG! what is wrong with me. We have been through this before where we know praise is the thing that motivates her, and for some odd reason we got away from that. Bad parents..I don't know. Soooo....I came back out and talked to steve and told him what the hell were we thinking. We have to come up with a reward system to keep her motivated. Sooo...I went in her room and got an alphabet puzzle. Put all the pieces in a baggie. So everytime she does something good, she gets to put a letter back on the puzzle. If every night before she goes to bed, her room is clean, she gets to put a piece on the puzzle. If everytime she takes her shoes off she puts them in the "shoe pile", she gets a letter. The reason for that is because she will throw her shoes in her room, toy box...or whatever suites her and we have lost 1 shoe of each pair she has. Soooo....thus the shoe pile. She is doing great with it! She is up to the letter H. Her room has gotten cleaned up every night, and shoes in the shoe pile. She has had a couple letters taken away. One was for lying. Now this is a funny story. I have let her watch cartoons in my room...for some reason...she likes to lay in my bed and watch cartoons. She came out of my room and looked at me across the room and had lipstick smeared all over her lips and face. I asked her, "Peyton, did you get in Mommy's make up?" She looked at me and said, "No Mommy, the lipstick came in your room and attacked me". LMAO! Oh God. I tried to keep a poker face on, fighting back the laughter. So I said, "Peyton, are you lying to me...tell me the truth", and she said, "Are you going to put me in time out?" And I said, "Yes, I am." She started to cry. I told her to go take a letter off of her puzzle for lying to me, and get in time out for getting into my make up. Oh gosh. this kid is a hoot! So anyway...once she fills up her puzzle all the way to Z, she gets to go to Wal Mart to pick out whatever she wants. She has been talking about daily what she is going to get. We have gone from candy to a dress, to a toy to barbie dolls and barbie clothes. I hope this works out. I want her to finish the board for the first time, so she sees the reward that she can get by doing good and doing what is expected of her. So excited I found something that is easy to do and that is actually working!

Otherwise, Steve is doing well. I guess he has lost about 36 lbs at last check. Doing well at work. We are hoping to hear about a promotion to Manager in March...keep your fingers crossed for that.

I have not been busy at all. I have 1 client I am showing. I am supposed to show him tomorrow but he hasn't called me back, so I hope he is not flaking out. I have a waterfront buyer who is in no hurry to buy, an out of town client that extended her retirement to that isn't going to happen anytime soon. Hoping things are going to pick up soon.

Valentine's Day. Didn't do much. Went to a little Italian Restaurant close to home that is never busy. And we walked right in and sat down. (don't think they will be around for us to go there next year. ha) Good food. Peyton and Steve went to the father daughter dance, and then we just hung out at home with a fire going. Andi and Brian stopped by on their exciting date to Circle S and Wal Mart. LOL. While RC and Kev......nevermind. Better stop there or RC will be mean to me. LMAO. (read their blogs)

Gosh, guys. That's all I got for ya. I have to go to bed. I am going to be hating life come morning. I still have like a year and a half to worry about it, but what the hell am I going to do when Peyton starts big kid school and I have to get my ass up at 6:30 EVERY morning. Good God. I am so spoiled with my 7:45 rising a few days a week. I can do anything for a few days a week...I just don't know about every day of the week. Oy vey. Ha...oh well...I have time to figure it out. ha
Have a good rest of the week.


JESSICA said...

Thanks for the update! I'm SO glad that you found a reward system that works for Peyton. Start off with a small gift and then when she fills the puzzle again, get her a bigger one. If you start off big, you will be in a world of hurt - trust me on that one, I have a spoiled 6-year old. :)
I'm glad Steve is going well. I will pray for a promotion.
Have a great week!

Andi said...

OMG, that lipstick story cracked me up! Too funny! And I already know how you're going to handle getting Peyton to Kindergarten... you are going to make Steve adjust his schedule so he can get her ready and off to school while you're snoozing away! LMAO!

Anonymous said...

Great blog! Loved the reward idea! Maybe a new puzzle to keep the reward idea fresh? Great job Steve & the promo is second in reward, to your health! Ally, you write so honestly, you crack me up, LMAO too! Love, Auntie S

Anonymous said...

Such language !!!!