Family Fun

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas!

This picture cracked me up. She was jus sitting there looking at this puzzle trying to figure out how the heck she was going to put it all together. Mind you, Steve sat there with her for like 2 hours one night putting this same puzzle together. But she just couldn't wait to tear it apart and put it all back in the box. uggh.

Midevil times was a good time. Peyton really enjoyed it. At first she said, "Mommy, I'm scared." And I just reassured her. She sat there intensly watching the show. She was so inthrawled with the whole thing. Our Knight kissed a flower and threw it right to her. It was so sweet. She just thought that was the greatest thing ever!
enjoy the pics. I am at work now, but am heading it home to do some baking and wrapping. Gotta get ready for Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Ya'll! I hope everyone is safe and has an enjoyable Christmas!


Andi said...

Man, you said you had A LOT of pictures to disappointing! Help PeyPey with that puzzle, she looks so sad!

JESSICA said...

Peyton is such a character! You look VERY pretty in that picture Ally. :)
Hope y'all have a Merry Christmas!