Family Fun

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas - OVER!

Well....Christmas 2008 goes down in the history books. I, for one, am kind of happy about it. All the hussle and bussle has left me tired and a little relieved. I am currently trying to download pictures, but it is taking forever. It didn't download...darnit! I am tring to do just one at a time...let's see if it works. Nope! It is not working. I will have to try again at another time.

The days before Christmas were full of family, Christmas parties, and BAKING! A whole bunch of baking. So much so, that I was so tired of looking at it, that I didn't want to eat it. Peyton enjoyed all the cooking because she would steal one from each batch. Talk about sugar high!

Peyton had a great time at Christmas! Christmas Eve we went to Steve's folks house for a nice dinner and gifts. Peyton made out like a bandit. I am going to wait until I can download pictures to tell the story. christmas morning we woke up, opened gifts and ate pull apart cake for breakfast. (kind of a tradition in the York house).

Ok...I am going to blog again when I can download pics. I want to put the pics with the Christmas events.

I'll try again tomorrow. Night


JESSICA said...

I can't wait to see the pictures and
Don't make us wait TOO long!

Andi said...

Why do you always have such trouble uploading pics? I thought once you got rid of those darned cordless phones, all of your other technology would start working better! LOL!