Family Fun

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Mr Slim" is doing well

Mr. Slim is my new nickname for steve. He had his lapband surgery on Monday the 9th. He came through fine. We had to be there at 5:30am. YES! My ass was up at 4:30 am!!! It was painful. I don't go to bed early, so I got about 3-4 hours of sleep. We were happy to be the first one of the day, because that means first to go home...right! NOT! After his surgery you have to meet certain milestones before you can leave. One of which, being to pee more than 100cc's. Steve absolutely could not pee. The first time was about 15cc's. That's when we found out it had to be over 100cc's. We were like "lady, we are going to be here all night". Our nurse was on duty until 9pm and Steve and I had a bet who would be going home first...him or her. I was betting on Steve, but steve just knew the pee wasn't going to come quick enough. I mean my God. He had 2 bags of saline, and was drinking 1 oz of water every half hour and NOTHING! FINALLY at about 6pm he finally did it...BARELY! THANK GOD! But once he got home he was peeing like a racehorse. Most people who have the first surgery of the day leave by we were way behind schedule. Needless to say...It was a VERY long day!

RC let Peyton spend the night on Sunday night so we didn't have to get her up so early. Thanks to RC and Kev. Then took her over to Andi's on their way to work. Andi kept her all day for me. So much appreciative of ya'lls help. There is no way she would have made it up at that hospital that long. Then Andi bought me and Peyton Chicken express for dinner with a nice big diet coke. It was so good and much appreciated. I was way too tired to think about what to do for dinner.

Steve is very sore. He also had a hernia fixed so that is causing him some pain too. He has 6 holes in his tummy. YUCKY! But he is getting around pretty good. Today he went without pain meds all day until about 7pm. I had a meeting this AM and showing ALL day so he took and picked up Peyton from school. Can't drive with taking the pain meds, so he managed. What a guy! Thank God...Not sure what I would have done today without him here helping. Probably would have had to hit up Andi. ;) Aren't you glad, Andi. ha

Steve has now lost 30 pounds. He lost 25 pounds on the Optifast diet for the 2 weeks. Then tonight he weighed and has lost another 5 since Monday. He has to be on a liquids for this week. He had some potato soup, chicken broth, a pumpkin pie concoction that his mom made and was good he said. He had pudding last night. So he's just happy to be eating (drinking) decent food. It's funny. I made his potatoe soup tonight and he said it was spicy. I added some pepper but that's it! He said, "seriously, it's spicey..taste it." I did. It had absolutely no flavor. Not spicey. Tasted like really runny mashed potatoes to me. I think his taste buds are ultra sensitive or something. Weird.

Anyway, thanks to you all for asking about him and keeping up with his condition. He is doin really well and looking forward to seeing his progress and living a whole new life. It will be awesome for him.

Otherwise, just juggeling taking care of him, working, and Peyton. So it's been a busy week. I have had a headache I can't get rid of for 2 days now. It is driving me crazy. I think it's let's hope it goes away tomorrow.

Happy 16th birthday to Ashley Tisdale. Happy 29th ;) birthday to Aunti S. Actually it was several days ago...but ya know we love ya. Hope it was great for both of you.

Peyton is doing well. We are trying to keep an eye on her diet. We weighed her the other day and she is 61lbs. When I told RC this her eyes got freaky big and kind of in shock. I guess most 2nd to 3rd graders weigh pretty close to that. It's not that she's fat. Yes, chubby...but not fat. She is just a big girl. She is as tall as most 1st graders and really big boned. Thick is a good word. I just want to watch her diet because she is a candy nutt! She asks for candy all day every day. She asks for food all day every day. She wants to eat every 5 mins. I am going to get some grapes and keep a bowl of them in the fridge and she can snack on that as often as she wants. But we are knocking out about 3/4 of the amount of candy she was eating. A piece of candy every other day or so. (As I write this I am watching how they make Hershey

She is doing well in school. No problems. She talks about a kid there named Seth. I guess he's a trouble maker. She tells me he throws socks at her and told her she had ugly eyes. He apparently gets put in time out a lot. I talked to her teacher about it to make sure he isn't picking on her, and she said he is just mean to everybody..he is not specific. Always one in every group.

Otherwise...I need some business people. I have a couple of people working, but nothing that is going to bring me some immediate income. So come me out and send me some business. I sent most of you, that live around here, and email tonight about the federal tax credit being offered for first time buyers. Let me know if you know of anybody that is thinking about buying and I can contact them and let them know about the interest rates and the tax credit. Seriously. Please help me out if you can. I have no closings this month, and am starting to get worried about March since I don't have anybody going yet.

Anyway...Other than that...nothing else to say. Sorry no pics. I haven't taken any in a while. I will get some taken and post some, hopefully, next time. Ya'll have a WONDERful Valentine's Day and a great weekend.


JESSICA said...

Way to go, Steve! How exciting that he's losing weight. I can't wait to see pictures!
As for Peyton, watching her diet is a fabulous idea. Weight is just a number, and some people are just bigger than others. Making sure she is eating healthy is all you can do, so don't worry about the numbers. ...and that little Seth better be nice to Peyton or he may have a whole group of bloggers gang up on him! Darn bullies!!!
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Ditto Jessica! Except, YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE CORRECT ABOUT MY AGE! Thanks! Wish I could help you with leads for work! Wendy is still trying to sell her house & the one they had offer on sold; very sad. They aren't even bothering to look now. Russ is wanting a house soon & I tell him NOW IS GOOD for first time buyers plus all other stuff going on! Wish you were with them in NJ & PA! Stay well Steve & take the meds if needed; body heals better when NOT IN PAIN! Sorry you had hernia repair; been there, did that & NO JOKE! Peyton, you are beautiful all the time, now & forever! Love, Auntie S