Family Fun

Monday, September 29, 2008


It is well into football season now. Damn Cowboys losing yesterday! urg. We are watching the Steelers on Monday night footall right now. They are coming back. I won't hear the end of it. Whatever.

Today soccer practice...Peyton didn't do so well. She was too busy socializing and sitting in the middle of the field on her soccer ball while everybody else was playing. I asked her why she did that, she said, "I was busy Mommy". She told the coach she was tired. ha OMG It's going to be an interesting, entertaining and frustrating adventure I am sure. Otherwise, she is catching on ok. She just needs to work on paying attention.

Closing tomorrow! woo-hoo!

How about that stock market...OMG! We are losing our ass on our Textron stock!

I bank at Washington Mutual...the day the announced the buyout to was on the online banking page "Wamu customers..welcome to JPMorgan Chase." Oh geez. I hate this.

I am expecting things to be extremely slow the next couple of months. I think until the first of the year and things settle down, people aren't even going to think about buying or selling houses. There are those that will, but they are going to be few and far between. I just would like to get those I do have settled and closed. I still am looking for 4 of hopefully they come through.

that's really all I have. have a good week.

1 comment:

Andi said...

Ugh, I can't believe I lost sleep watching the Steelers win...what a nightmare! I can totally see PeyPey doing that in the middle of the field! Too funny!