Family Fun

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

And the winner is...

DAVID COOK! I was hoping he would win. Other David was good too, but too young for that madness. God...I sound like a mother. ha No more American Idol until next year.

So Peyton's new thing is turning the light on after I put her to bed. She has been doing this for a couple of weeks. Sometimes it's just dimmed, cause we have a dimmer on her light, sometimes, it's full blown, sometimes it's her lamp. A phase I guess. I have to wait until she goes to sleep to go in and shut it off. If she is still awake when I go in there to shut it off she freaks out and will get back up and turn it on. I am not fighting her on it. I'll just wait and shut it off. I don't know what the right thing to do there is, but that's how I have been handeling it.

Today Peyton went to her Nana's house. She got to go swimming which she was so happy about. Nana didn't want to get in the pool, so she let her get in the hot tub so she could sit on the side and help her if needed. But Peyton took it upon herself to JUMP in the pool! She did that the other day when I was there too. The girl has no fear. She MUST have her floaties, because I couldn't even count on 2 hands how many times they saved her life last year and so far this year. Swimming lessons are a must this year.

I had my team meeting this morning. Lots of cool stuff. Did more work at home, had to pick up my sign and lockbox at my now, cancelled listing. ;( Cooked dinner and watched American Idol. That's my day in a nuttshell. ha

Tomorrow...floor duty in the AM. I think I am going to cheat and go get my nails done though. hehe Have a showing at 1pm then pick up Peyton from school at 2. I have LOTS of phone calls to make. OHHHH...speaking of phone calls!!!! I checked online to see my cell phone bill!!!!! OMG It is over $300!!!!!!!!! I nearly had a heart attack. Thats double of what it usually is. It says we went over our minutes like 300 minutes or something like that!!! I just upped our plan to include more minutes, but I guess I am going to have to do it again! Good God! That's going to be fun to pay. I am so mad about it! Damn! What a waste of money. I AM on the phone a lot, I admit. But it is my lifeline for work. I spend most of my day on the phone. I better start making some serious money to just pay for the freakin' cell phone bill. UGGH

Looking forward to the weekend, although we may not be able to do anything because we are going to be too broke from paying the cell phone bill!!!!!!! ha Steve is thinking about taking off Friday so he can have a 4 days weekend. That will be nice. He could use the long weekend.

Ok, so until tomorrow...night!


Andi said...

I'm jeoulous of your $300 cell phone bill, ha! Is PeyPey scared of the dark or just being stubborn? Poor girl. But I'm glad she's doing so well in the pool...just don't ever forget those floaties!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

YES, David Cook! Peyton is a waterbug! Glue those floaties to her for the summer! Time for swim lessons! Maybe you can organize a small swim group at one of your parent's for Brittany or one of her friends who are certified to teach? I thinnk a princess night light or her own flashlight might be in order? I still don't like the dark. Hope you have a great day! Love, Auntie S