Family Fun

Monday, April 21, 2008


Well, I don't know. Not much happenin'. I try to make Mondays my rest day since weekends are usually nutts, and for the most part it was. I did do a showing for yet ANOTHER lease! Uggh! Just not much money to be made on those folks. Nothing against it, and am happy to do it cause it could be a buyer in the future. It is just time consuming and a big headache most of the time. Most seasoned agents will not even do them, but for us peons, not much option. Gotta do what ya gotta do. A little money is better than no money, right. ha

So, hung out at Andi's most of the day. Cleaning ladys came today so we had to get out of dodge. Yes, ok....I admit....I have a cleaning lady. 2x's a month. Best money I spend a month, I know that. AND the lawn got mowed today too. It was like coming home to paradise. A clean house and a nice lookin' yard. LOVIN IT! Spoiled, I know. But for those of you who have time for that stuff, I'm jealous.

Anyway, hung out at Andi's, took some calls, made some calls, answered some AAdvanced AC & Heat calls, fed the baby. Went to dinner with the sisters and their familys. My favorite place...BOSSES PIZZA!!! YUMMY

Chloe, our poor little dog. She is 16 years old and just not the young spring chicken she once was. She has been pooping on the floor every night for the past week. Which Steve loves. He's the official, puke, pee, and poop cleaner-upper. She has to be tied to her bed at night now. But since I was gone all day, she didn't go out and pooped nasty runny BLOODY poop on the floor. Immediately called the vet. She is going in tomorrow. Gonna have to take her early and let her stay the afternoon so they can fit her in when they can since they didn't have any appointments. I thought that was nice of them. I hope she will be ok. I gave her a bath tonight because she looked like a street dog. Murray loves her so much, that his 10 inch tongue slobbers her back all day. Not sure why. But I guess he's in love. Her hair is falling out, she has like 6 teeth and the ones she has are infected because she has always had a terrible teeth and gums. But the vet wants like 300-500 bucks to clean them!!!!! That is CRAZY! Don't have it so whatcha gonna do. Plus she may not make it long enough to enjoy 300-500 bucks worth of teeth cleaning. (that was mean, but fact). She can't hear for crap and she keeps having little mini lookin' seizures. She freezes up and shakes a little bit and gets her bearings and moves on. Happens about every 10 minutes and is getting worse. I also told the vet to figure out what the heck that is. I hate to see this vet bill. We should have set aside a seperate old dog fund to pay for these aging animals! Kinda like you would a college fund. Wonder if we could add her to our health insurance. hehe

So....had a great video clip of Steve and Dora the doll in a compromising position. Steve didn't realize it, and I turned on the video and couldn't stop laughing. It was on his lap face down. The funniest thing I have seen in a VERY long time. But I have been threatened with my life that if I put that on my blog I was going to pay for it 10 fold. I am not sure I want that hanging over my head and having to watch my back, so unless he makes me mad I will restrain. was freakin' funny.

Alrighty then. I am too lazy to download pictures. But when I, there will be a bunch. Suspense is good for ya anyway. (I know you are just dying inside. ) ;)
Nighty night!

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